You're probably wondering how we handle pricing.

How much does video production cost?

What type of investment will I have to make?

Well, there is no easy answer to this. The short answer is, it depends.

The long answer is, just like building a house, planning a wedding or buying a car, there is a lot to take into account to make a firm final price.

Let's find out what makes the prices of full video production and marketing strategy.

10 common factors

that that affect video production costs

Ask several video production companies about their pricing, and you'll notice multiple answers and conflicting results...

Some charge by the minute, some on a per-project basis. Nonetheless, 10 common factors will bring the budget up or down. As video professionals, we know there are more than 30 factors when we plan a shoot, but those are the most influential.

  • This is one of the most critical factors in price. How long will it take to shoot your project? Can we do it in one afternoon or do we have to shoot over multiple weeks or months? The question seems obvious, but some concepts are more complex than others and might change your budget dramatically. An interview will be shot much faster than following a construction over several months. To optimize cost, it's something wise to combine multiple shoots in the same day rather than multiple smaller fragments.

    Things to consider in pricing:

    - Number of cameraman and cameras

    - Equipment used

    - DOP (Director of Photography) and Directors

    - Team experience

  • Editing is another essential part of the cost of a video project. Editing a 30 seconds piece does not mean it'll be easier than a 1-hour documentary. It depends on the depth and the editing style and the visual effect required to meet the expected results. That's why TV commercials, even though only 30 seconds, can cost hundreds of thousands. Also editing a single-camera project is faster than a triple-camera interview, but the triple-camera interview is way more dynamic. It's all about balance.

    Things to consider in pricing:

    - Length of the final video(s)

    - Amount of videos (single or series)

    - Delivery formats and conversion

    - Editing style and VFX

  • In most corporate videos, we recommend you use your team as talents. Not only it saves you cost but, it also builds trust towards your audience and gives a face and spirit to your business. When working on case studies videos or testimonials, obviously, forget about actors, your clients are king.

    While working with actors, there are many ways to do it. You can either work with union or non-union actors. Some project type requires union actors, like TV Commercial for instance. For web projects, you have way more options. Also, an important factor is actor training and renown. If you wish to work with Will Smith or Brad Pitt to represent your brand, you can forget the below prices.

    Things to consider in pricing:

    - Union or Non-union

    - Casting fees & auditions

    - Agents

  • Generally shooting at your office or facility is way cheaper than renting a film studio. But then again, it depends. Will shooting at your manufacturing plant impact your production that day? How much is that worth? If not, those are the best footages! These kinds of details need to be discussed beforehand. Again to build trust and really show your business, using your premises is usually the best solution. For interview shots, we can use a hotel lobby, a breather space, restaurants, any location really. Public areas may require permits, this will increase pre-production time.

    Things to consider in pricing:

    - Location popularity

    - Permits

    - Possible production disruption or not

  • Having your crew looking good on camera is amazing, isn't it? On set, you can have makeup professional or even wardrobe and stylist. Of course, this applies more to advertising projects or creative projects like music videos than corporate, but it is still to take into consideration.

    Things to consider in pricing:

    - Experience of the makeup artist

    - Makeup style - Interview or Cirque du Soleil?

    - Accessories and styles

  • For premium projects, VFX (Visual effects) and animation can be necessary. This budget line is one of the most impactful on the total production budget and also the most difficult to price. Some VFX special charge per day other per minute and finally some per hours. It can range from simple stuff, like hiding a license plate to very complex technical drawing or alien invasion scenes.

    Things to consider in pricing:

    - Experience of provider

    - Complexity of project

    - # of scenes to work on

  • These days stock footages are everywhere. They can save a shoot when missing some elements, at the same time you lose uniqueness on your project since all videographers around the world have access to the same libraries. If the message is more important than uniqueness in your project, then stock footages are a fantastic addition to existing live-action videos. Same for music, you can use royalty-free music from known sound banks for a fraction of the cost of the original production.

    B-Rolls are extra footage of your business, product, or people in action that amplify a message visually. It's not only telling it is now showing.

    Things to consider in pricing:

    - License type (web use, TV, national, international)

    - Resolution (720p, 1080p, 4K or more)

    - Rarity of footage

  • Shooting with a DSLR will be way cheaper than shooting on a RED Camera or ARRI. Sure. But these days the message, especially in video marketing is more important than the gear you use. Especially now lots of camera manufacturers amped their game quite high in terms of quality. Video equipment affects the price a bit like the number of shooting days, they are all linked together exponentially. If you want to shoot interviews using 3 cameras, but suddenly would like to change 3 DSLRs for 3 ARRIs, that line only will not triple the price but will make it go 9x. To that, you'll have to factor in lighting, LED, HMI, Classic tungsten, all these different light types are used in different scenarios and will impact pricing. What about Camera movement systems, such as gimbals, jibs, and dollies. Oh, and sound? Lavalier and shotgun microphone. The list goes on, we can have a full article on this topic alone.

    Things to consider in pricing:

    - Sensor Quality (resolution, color rendition)

    - Lens kit (prime and/or zoom)

    - Light kit

    - Sound kit

  • This is where the rubber meets the road for video marketing practices. Putting a final video on your home page is one thing. But real and powerful results also reside outside of your own platform. There are social media and paid media platforms. From a simple landing page embed to full advanced video programmatic advertising this will change your investment requirements. After choosing your distribution channel, you need to track your results so you can prove ROI on your videos. Martech (Marketing technologies) stacks vary depending on industries and requirements it can range from free software to multiple thousands per month. For instance, you could have video views and behavior tracked on your website, feeding data to your CRM, then scoring each lead accordingly. Hence helping your sales team make more informed decisions on which lead to pursue.

    Things to consider in pricing:

    - Platform type - free/paid

    - Martech price (CRM/CMS/Analytics/SEO)

    - Reach and audience

    - Your desired monthly budget

  • Where is the crew shooting? This question will also impact on the budget. Some clients fly teams to a specific location to capture interviews or facilities, while others are just around the corner next to our offices. Sometimes it's wiser to hire an offshore crew to send the footage back in and edit locally. There are multiple options. This budget line is also linked to number of shooting days, since moving back and forth to a location multiple times will increase the distance log.

    Things to consider in pricing:

    - Travel distance

    - Lodging

    - Car or Truck rental

    - Plane tickets price

    - Equipment cargo cost